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High School Lessons

The Toilet Paper Project

Images include the set up of the room and student work. 

  In the Weeks leading up to this lesson, the students where in their Charcoal unit. They were learning about the properties of charcoal and all of the styles and techniques you can use to create a successful charcoal drawing. 

   For this assignment students walked into the class room and were greeted with a TP'd classroom! They were asked to walk around the room and pick a new spot to create an observational drawing of the toilet paper that was hung in the room. In order to create this drawing students had to use the reductive drawing method. Greying down their page using the vine charcoal, and then using their eraser to create the create the drawing. 


* During this time we were teaching virtual students as well. We asked 3 of our in person students to log into the google meet and face their cameras at the toilet papered room. The virtual students then had a choice of what view to draw and were to accomplish the drawing using the same tools and methods as in person students*

Paper Architecture

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